Browse, Rate & Review Local Auto Parts Stores - Garage Floors Coating


Phone (469) 990-9990
Address 291 S Preston Rd suite 1230,
Prosper, TX 75078 United States


Our journey began in Prosper, TX, where we started with a simple vision that has since grown into the leading garage floor coating company in Texas. Today, Prosper remains the heart of our operations, housing our head offices and serving as home for the majority of our dedicated team.

At, we’ve revolutionized the garage floor coating experience. Our innovative online platform allows you to design your garage, get an instant price, and schedule your installation—all in a matter of minutes.

Our Polyaspartic garage floor coating is not only more durable than epoxy but also offers superior strength and longevity. We complete installations in just one day, providing a lifetime warranty and guaranteeing the lowest prices in the nation.

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